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In the News
In the News

The Whit: Communication Careers in Museums
The Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication hosted “Smithsonian and Stickley: Communication Careers in Museums” on Friday, April 9. The virtual event featured two women, Vonda Givens and Julissa Marenco, leading remarkable careers in communications. Givens is the executive director of the Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms. Marenco is a Rowan alumna and the chief marketing officer for the Smithsonian Institution.

Rowan Today: Digitizing Miss America Archives
Senior Destiny Hall, an English and writing arts major, is one of the students working on the Miss America Digitization Project. Students are working to preserve the organization's artifacts for use by scholars throughout the world. Additionally, Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication Director Julie Haynes, whose research focuses on depictions of gender in popular culture, is involved in the project. Read more about the project...

The Whit: Women in Sports Day Panel
In honor of National Girls and Women in Sports Day, two prominent female leaders in sports communication came together to educate students on how to achieve their goals and make their mark in the world of sport.
Gail Dent, the associate director of communication....

Miss America Collection
“Here she comes . . . Miss America!” This week Rowan received the first set of Miss America Organization historical materials. The College of Humanities and Social Science, along with Campbell Library’s Archives and Special Collections and the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication, have successfully negotiated Rowan’s digitization and stewardship of the Miss America archive. This collection of photographs, artwork, interviews, film and video...

The Whit Online: Inaugural Workshop
The Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Rowan University had its inaugural event on Wednesday, Oct. 14, a workshop called “100 Years of Speaking through the Ballot: Women and Political Communication.” Roughly 140 students, faculty and other participants were present for the virtual workshop...

Laura Bishop Communications Recognition
"Last month, I was honored to present a workshop for the Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Florida International University (FIU) and its Affiliate Center at Rowan University. Nearly 100 high school and college students considering a career in communications, as well as other professionals, attended the workshop. The next evening, students from the Ric Edelman College of Creative Arts & Communications (CCCA) at Rowan and my colleagues on the CCCA Advisory Board shared the challenges and silver linings of life during a pandemic. It was a week of enlightening, engaging experiences!
My experiences with the Centers at FIU and Rowan will continue, as I’ve been invited to join the Leadership Councils of both centers. I am so thankful to Dr. Julie Haynes and Dr. Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver for inviting me to join their respective councils. And I’m especially grateful to Edelman CCCA Dean Sanford Tweedie, for believing that I would be “a great fit” for the entrepreneurship workshop."
- Laura Bishop, Managing Principal of Laura Bishop Communications, LLC

Kopenhaver Center: Our Affiliate
Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver, founder and executive director of CARTA’s Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication (Kopenhaver Center), is known as a trailblazer in the communication realm. She is a nationally known authority and researcher on the First Amendment and the student press, and a mentor to many a professional in the communication industry.
Kopenhaver, working with the Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts at New Jersey’s Rowan University (her alma mater) opened a satellite center addressing professional opportunities and challenges for women in communication.

Rowan Today: Announcing Us!
Starting this fall, the Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts at Rowan University has a new center addressing professional opportunities and challenges for women in communication. The Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Rowan University was founded in association with Rowan alumna and benefactor Dr. Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver...

The Whit Online: Launching Virtual Workshops
Within the Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts (CCCA), the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication held its first-ever workshop to examine the power of women’s votes in the 100 years since the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which allowed white women to vote. The center plans to host more workshops in the future...