Research Opportunity
Research Opportunity
Research Opportunity
CALL FOR PANELISTS: SSCA 2024 Roundtable on Belongingness in Debate and Forensics
Mike J Gray,
Deadline: 6 p.m. CST on September 11, 2023
“Belongingness” refers to a felt state of belonging, acceptance, and affiliation with a particular group. The importance of belongingness to debate and forensics cannot be overstated. Where does debate belong? Who belongs in forensics? How do you foster a sense of belonging in debate and forensics? What events and activities belong at a national tournament? How do you start a debate team? How do you communicate the importance of debate and forensics activities to your department, college, or local community? How does a team’s history communicate belonging? What does belonging mean to former team members? My colleagues and I are seeking 2 to 4 additional participants to join our roundtable to discuss questions like these, exchange ideas, and share stories that explore what it means to belong in the context of debate and forensics teams, organizations, and communities.
If you are interested in joining our panel, please email Mike J Gray at with the following information before 6 p.m. CST on September 11, 2023:
- your name/title
- your institutional affiliation
- your contact information
- a short list of questions or topics you would like to discuss during the session.
CALL FOR PANELISTS: Communication and Reconciliation (Central States Communication Association)
Amy Aldridge Sanford,
I’m putting together a panel proposal centered on communication and reconciliation for the Central States Communication Association, which will meet in Grand Rapids during the first week of April 2024.
Panelists are encouraged to submit any genre and context related to communication and social change, including but not limited to close relationships, public discourse, estrangement, reconciliation attempts in popular culture, corporate apologies, and conflict resolution. For example, my focus will be on reconciliation within activist movements, inspired by MLK’s Six Steps of Nonviolent Social Change.
As a panel, we'll need people to define reconciliation, the parties who should be involved, related communication literature, and historical and contemporary examples of attempts at reconciliation. Practitioners, students, and/or established scholars are all encouraged to submit their ideas for the panel.
If you are interested, please send a paragraph introducing yourself and the contribution you would like to make to Amy Aldridge Sanford at on or before Friday, Sept. 15, 2023. Feel free to send any questions my way as well.
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Marie J. Robinson Scholarship
Charles Parrott,
Dr. Marie J. Robinson received her B.L.I. from Emerson College (1935), her M.A. from Michigan State University (1944), and her Ph.D. from Northwestern University (1960). She taught speech and Drama at Lockport Senior High in Lockport, New York (1935-43); served as Head of the Department of Speech and Drama at State Teachers College, Bemidji, Minnesota (1944-45), was Instructor of Speech at Syracuse University in New York (1945-49); and was Professor of Speech at Illinois Wesleyan University (1950-80), where she served as Department Head from 1953 to 1974. She actively served her profession, helping to form the New York State Speech Association and holding executive office in the Illinois Speech and Theatre Association as well as the Central States Speech Association. She actively coached forensics and frequently served as a guest artist at performance festival and as visiting artist at other universities. Dr. Robinson continued her service by establishing this scholarship.
The Marie J. Robinson Scholarship seeks to fund the education of a graduate student who has begun to demonstrate their potential to impact the Performance Studies discipline and NCA through written and/or performed scholarship. Selection will be based on the applicants endeavors in Performance Studies as demonstrated in any variety of venues: course work, NCA convention participation, university and department performances, professional performance production, publications, disciplinary service, and/or community-based performance work.
Application Process
Graduate students (M.A. or Ph.D. level) in performance studies who are members of NCA at the time of application are eligible. A completed application should be submitted via email to Stephanie Heath at by September 23, 2023 and will include:
- A brief letter of nomination from a faculty advisor.
- Additional letters from faculty and/or supporting materials deemed appropriate by the applicant are welcome.
- A 500-word Statement of Performance Accomplishments and Goals written by the applicant.
- The applicant’s curriculum vitae.
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Marie J. Robinson Scholarship
Charles Parrott,
The NCA Performance Studies Division invites your nominations ASAP for our Distinguished Service Award and the Marie J. Robinson Scholarship. Nominees must be a member of the NCA Performance Studies Division to be considered.
Distinguished Service Award
This award is the most prestigious award given by the Performance Studies Division to one of its members. The nominee must have been a member of the division for at least five years. Criteria to be considered in the selection process include excellence in teaching, productions, performances, publications, service to the field, service to the division, and special performances. Please submit letters of nomination via email to Stephanie Heath at by September 23, 2023.
Previous winners are not eligible.
CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT: Pi Kappa Delta Development Conference Nov. 15
Adam Blood,
On behalf of the Pi Kappa Delta National Council, I am excited to invite you to the Pi Kappa Delta Developmental Conference on Wednesday, November 15th.
Join us for a series of panels and discussions under the theme of "Pi Kappa Delta Presents: At the Intersection(s) of Technology and Forensics/Debate: The Future(s) of Performance." This entire event will be hosted in the Potomac Theatre at Hampton Inn and Suites at the National Harbor (250 Waterfront Street, Oxon Hill, MD, 2075), just a short walk away from the site of NCA.
Pi Kappa Delta is also pleased to offer a room block at the Hampton Inn and Suites at a rate of 219.00 per night from Tuesday, November 14th through the end of the NCA conference on Sunday, November 19th. To access this special room rate, please visit,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT
If there are any questions, or if you’re planning on joining us and would like to let us know, please contact Adam Blood at
Looking forward to seeing you in November
Adam Blood
Chief Operating Officer, Pi Kappa Delta.
Southern States Communication Association, State Associations Interest Group
Roy W. Samuelson,
The States Association Interest Group (SAIG) invites paper and panel proposals for competitive selection. Submissions relating to the conference theme – Communicating Belonging – or the conference site – Frisco, Texas – are especially encouraged The SAIG would like to recognize that Frisco occupies Caddo Indigenous lands. Thusly, submissions concerning Space and Place of Indigenous Peoples and Land will especially be considered.
The interest group seeks submissions for papers, panels, and workshops across the spectrum of state associations’ activities (such as conferences, publications, and programs), interests (such as pedagogy / curriculum development, diversity and inclusion, and discipline advocacy), and purposes (such as coalition-building, coordination, and advancing the field of communication). The SAIG strongly encourages those of State Associations to submit but would like to encourage those that do not belong to State Associations to submit as well.
Competitive Paper Submissions: All submissions must be electronically submitted to the SSCA convention site at
Competitive papers are completed research projects dealing with a substantive critical, methodological, or theoretical contribution. Submissions will consist of 1) the paper with all identifying information removed, 2) a separate cover page with the paper title, author(s)’ names, institutional affiliation(s), contact information, and an abstract of no more than 200 words. Please check the division/interest groups’ calls for specific length and formatting requirements.
Anonymous Review: All competitive papers submitted should follow standard procedures for removing any information that identifies the author and/or the institution within the paper and within any document metadata. Divisions and interest groups reserve the right to reject any papers not following these standards.
Student Papers: All papers submitted will be considered for the Division’s Top Paper Award. For student papers, indicate “STUDENT” on the first page of the manuscript, and indicate “Student Paper” during the submission process. The Division’s Top Student Paper will be submitted for consideration for the SSCA Bostrom Young Scholar Award. In order for a submission to be considered a student paper and to be eligible for student awards or recognition, all authors of the paper must be students at the time the paper is submitted. A paper co-authored by a student and a faculty member, for instance, will not be classified as a student paper.
Debut Papers: A “debut paper” is one submitted by an author or authors who are presenting at SSCA for the first time.
Panel Submissions: All submissions must be electronically submitted to the SSCA convention site at
Panel proposals are for a slate of papers focused on a central topic or theme. This type of session typically has between 3-5 presentations. Submissions must include 1) a panel title, 2) an overall panel rationale (no more than 200 words) and 3) the following information about EACH presentation on the panel: a) the presentation title, b) the presentation author(s), with their institutional affiliation(s) and contact information, and c) the presentation abstract (no more than 200 words per abstract). All of this should be compiled in a single document and submitted in the “paper upload option” on the XCD platform.
A best practice for all divisions is to submit panel proposals with diverse participants comprised of individuals representing different institutions, and where possible and relevant, potential new members.
Round Table Submissions: All submissions must be electronically submitted to the SSCA convention site at
Round table proposals bring together a group of scholars to discuss a topic or theme. This type of session typically has between 4-7 presentations. Submissions must include 1) a session title, 2) an overall session rationale (no more than 200 words), 3) a list of participants’ names and institutional affiliations. All of this should be compiled in a single document and submitted in the “paper upload option” on the XCD platform.
A best practice for all divisions is to submit round-table proposals with diverse participants comprised of individuals representing different institutions, and where possible and relevant, potential new members.
Pertinent to All Submissions
DEADLINES: The deadline for submission for ALL divisions and interest groups is September 16, 2023, 11:59PM Pacific Daylight Time. Go to the paper submission site by going to the conference website ( and clicking the submission link. First time visitors to the site will need to create an account. Return visitors will need to make sure to use the same email address that they used to establish the account. To avoid technical problems, early submission is strongly advised. Any submission not meeting the above requirements will not be accepted for review. If you have additional questions, please contact the Division or Interest Group Vice-Chair and Planner, Roy W. Samuelson,
Audio-Visual Support: Audio-visual equipment should be requested ONLY if it is essential to a presentation. Most submissions do not require A/V equipment and there will be limited availability during the conference. Your judiciousness is appreciated in considering whether a request is appropriate for your presentation. Due to prohibitive cost, A/V requests will be considered but may not be met. The final program will indicate which sessions have A/V capability. An alternative may be a shareable QR code that audience members can access from their own personal devices.
Submission Protocol: Submissions to SSCA must be original research that has not been published or presented at another regional, national, or international conference. Also, the same paper or panel should not be submitted to more than one division. Divisions and interest groups reserve the right to reject any submissions not following these standards.
In Media Res – Media and Marginalized Trans Identities
Mychal Reiff-Shanks,
This week on In Media Res: (September 4 - 8)
Here is the lineup:
Monday, September 4, 2023 – Stephanie Burt (Harvard University) – "My Default State is Phased."
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 – Sneha Kumar (Concordia University) – "Thinking the non-binary, incommensurability, and sex in Thiagarajan Kumararaja's Super Deluxe (2019)."
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 – Marty Heath (University of Illinois - Chicago) – "On the Spectrum: Non-binary and Neurodivergent."
Thursday, September 7, 2023 – Emma Logsdon (Independent Scholar) – "She Is Candy What?? Gender and Racial Identity in Non-Human Characters."
Friday, September 8, 2023 – Mars Nicolí (Sheffield Hallam University) – "'Half an hour ago, I was a white-haired Scotsman:' Neuroqueerness in Doctor Who."
Theme week was organized by Dean Leetal (Independent Scholar).
To find links for each day's posts and stay up to date on our latest calls for curators, please follow us on Twitter at @MC_IMR.
For more information, please contact In Media Res at
PUBLICATION ANNOUNCEMENT: Communication, Culture and Critique
Rachel Gotvald,
The new issue 16.3 of Communication, Culture & Critique is now out.
A journal of the International Communication Association, Communication, Culture & Critique (CCC) publishes high-quality, original scholarship utilizing a diversity of critical approaches to place questions of power, inequality, and justice at the center of empirical and theoretical inquiry.
The table of contents for the new issue is below:
Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2023
“Rest as resistance:” Black cyberfeminism, collective healing and liberation on @TheNapMinistry
Mel Monier
Shared identity endorsement narratives: a framework for studying celebrity endorsements of minority political candidates in the US
Madhavi Reddi
Unlocked doors: the trans glitch in Kitty Horrorshow’s Anatomy
Christine Prevas
The racialized celebrity other in perfume advertisements
Matthew P McAllister and others
Using racial discourse communities to audit personalization algorithms
Ryan Stoldt and others
The most hated tree in America: negative difference, the White imaginary, and the Bradford pear
Ryan Neville-Shepard and Casey Ryan Kelly
“Are you me?”: understanding the political potential of feminist identity spaces on Reddit during the COVID-19 pandemic
Corrina Laughlin and Meng Li
When the locals are Othered: hybridized representations of Latin American cultures and identities through nation branding
Pablo Miño
“You can’t tell this story without abortion”: television creators on narrative intention and development of abortion stories on their shows
Stephanie Herold and Gretchen Sisson
Support local: Google Maps’ local guides platform, spatial power and constructions of “the local”
Aparajita Bhandari and Rebecca Noone
Eurocentrism in a YouTube video on the Jakarta–Bandung railway: a critical examination of discourse across race, gender, and class
Zhou Li and others
CALL FOR PAPERS: Foundational Course Conference Position Papers WSCA 2024
Gloria Pindi,
The Western States Communication Association invites participants for the Foundational Course Conference (FCC) on Friday, February 23, 2024 at the WSCA annual convention in Reno, Nevada. The Foundational Course Conference (formerly called the Basic Course Conference) focuses on issues in the foundational communication course (broadly defined). In keeping with the conference theme, “Possibilities,” issued by Dr. Shinsuke Eguchi, President-Elect, this year's Foundational Course Conference will address topics, concerns, positions, and perspectives in the Foundational Course that might benefit from possibilities (and impossibilities) moving toward the future. Dr. Gloria Pindi ( serves as this year’s Foundational Course Conference Coordinator.
Following the previous years, this year’s FCC will be constructed around perspectives, needs, and ideas articulated by interested attendees, resulting in sessions that engage, educate, and support the multiple positions within the Foundational Course community (including course directors, graduate teaching assistants, community college faculty, temporary or term faculty, etc.). To achieve this end, the FCC invites position papers that will aid in creating the content and foci for the conference. We will use position papers to identify themes, as well as to build from the experiences/perspectives of interested attendees. We will facilitate sessions and conversations driven by the community's diverse interests, and work toward possibilities at the individual, course, and disciplinary levels.
Position papers submitted for the FCC must:
- NOT exceed ONE (1) page in length, single spaced.
- Include the name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and phone number of the participant. Participants are limited to one submission per person, though co-authored submissions are welcome.
- Identify how you see yourself positioned relative to the foundational course (for example: are you relatively new to the foundational course, are you feeling burned out and in need of new ideas from decades of teaching the course, are you a chair or dean seeking assessment ideas or logistical assistance with the foundational course, are you a graduate student who is new to teaching overall, etc.).
- Explicitly pose a question, raise an issue, or offer a bid for possibilities within the foundational course. This question/issue/bid must be:
- A single sentence.
- BOLDED and placed at the top of the position paper.
For example, prospective participants might pose the following kinds of questions/issues/bids:
- “How can we cross-pollinate our public speaking courses with contexts or content from other disciplines, such as public speaking and engineering or public speaking and the arts?”
- “What can we do to provide support for our Foundational Course instructors who are new to teaching the course?”
- “An essential task of department chair should be to advocate for the Foundational Course’s inclusion in the core of the college/university curriculum.”
Then narrate how you would address this question, issue, or bid for change in a way that would aid our focus on possibilities at the 2024 Foundational Course Conference.
We will not be utilizing AV equipment during the FCC; however, participants are welcome to bring handouts if desired.
Submitted position papers will be assessed on their relevance to the FCC, resonance with the conference theme, quality of writing, and potential for sparking a fruitful discussion at the FCC. Based upon these position papers, accepted participants will then be placed in roundtable discussion groups and/or thematic panels by the Foundational Course Conference Coordinator. We will focus on active participation and interaction from participants rather than making FCC participants passive audience members.
Given the structure of the FCC, participants selected to join agree to attend and stay for the duration of the event (not to exceed 3 hours). The FCC will be held on the Friday morning of the WSCA conference, so participants should not plan to attend other conflicting Friday events (i.e. the Undergraduate Research Conference, morning or full day pre-conferences, local events, etc.).
There will be no cost associated with attending the 2024 FCC above and beyond registration for the WSCA convention itself. The FCC will also ensure that all discussion leaders are recognized in the conference program in order to secure institutional support.
Position papers will be submitted online at, Conventions, 2024 Submissions, and then when you are directed to the Attendee Interactive system select FCC as the interest group. All submissions should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Position papers must be received by midnight PST on Friday, September 15, 2023. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Foundational Course Conference Coordinator Dr. Gloria Pindi at