Jason Luther

Jason Luther

Jason Luther
Associate Professor

Jason Luther
Writing Arts

Contact Info


B.A. & B.S. SUNY Fredonia
M.A. University of Nevada, Reno
Ph.D. Syracuse University

Jason Luther teaches Methods of Analysis and the Evaluation of Writing; Writing, Research, and Technology; Introduction to Writing Arts; and Self-Publishing. His research focuses on DIY culture, publishing, publics, and sound writing. Jason has presented at several national conferences and has recently co-edited both a special issue of Community Literacy Journal and the 2017 edition of The Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition.


Writing, Research, and Technology; Self-Publishing; Writing About Pop Culture; Cultural Criticism 

Research Intersts

public writing, sonic rhetoric and sound writing, media literacy


Luther, Jason. “DIY Delivery Systems: Rethinking Self-Sponsorship Through Extracurricular Literacy Narratives”. Literacy in Composition Studies, vol. 11, no. 1, Feb. 2024, pp. 1-20, https://licsjournal.org/index.php/LiCS/article/view/2275.

Luther, Jason, Kristi Prins, and Frank Farmer. “Making a Scene: DIY Composition and Rhetoric.” enculturation. April 2023.

Luther, Jason. “From Cylinders to WordPress: Using Digital Sound Archives for Short-Form Radio Programs.” Amplifying Soundwriting: Theory and Practice in Rhetoric and Writing, edited by Kyle Stedman, Courtney S. Danforth, and Michael J. Farris, WAC Clearinghouse, 2022, pp. 185-195.

Luther, Jason. “Entrepreneurship.” Keywords in Design Thinking: A Lexical Primer for Technical Communicators & Designers, edited by Jason Tham, WAC Clearinghouse, 2022, pp. 95-99.

Luther, Jason. “More Than Paper Islands: The Pandemic Circuitry of Quaranzines,” Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric, Vol 21, no. 1, Feb 2022.

Luther, Jason, and Patrick Williams. “Noise Over Signal: Phonography Culture as Participatory.” SoundEffects: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 20-37.


RCRL Summer Teaching Fellowship 2023 ($1,500)

Winterthur Research Grant 2021 ($1,000)

RCIE Faculty Fellowship 2019 ($2,000)

Rutgers-Camden Archive of Digital Ephemera Conference 2019 ($1,000)