Writing Arts News
Writing Arts News
Rowan Writing Arts News

“Reclaiming Our Time”: Centering the Voices of Women of Color
One of the newest Rowan Writing Arts courses to emerge from the ongoing revision of the program’s learning goals – Reclaiming Our Time: Empowering Women of Color – is just what Nia McCombs was seeking from her university.

Alumni Feature: Dina Folgia
When the world shut down due to the COVID pandemic for most of 2020 and 2021, people filled their time with many different endeavors: Some baked bread, others adopted a pet, many mastered stunts for display on Tik-Tok. Dina Folgia took the time to reshape her life.

Alumni Feature: Joe Carlough
Before Joe Carlough (class of ‘09) graduated from Writing Arts, he was already deeply invested in DIY culture: setting up a live “zombie sea shanty” performance at the local coffee house...

Student Feature: Vaniece Washington
Many students across campus come to Rowan not sure of their course of study or their life’s path; most Writing Arts students, however, know by the time they come to Glassboro what they want to do with their lives: Write.