

HSC Spotlight

News & Announcements

  • New Book!

 Dr. Cypher published a new edited book on disability and communication!

  • New Grant!
Dianne Garyantes and Mark Berkey-Gerard received a $40,000 grant for the South Jersey Climate News project to provide local news coverage of climate change. The grant from the New Jersey Civic Information Consortium will support student reporting, content partnerships with local news outlets, and trainings. They will be collaborating with the Jon Akass (RTF) and his film production students, as well as Atlantic Cape Community College students.
  • New student group calling for participants
Health and Science Communication Student Reading Group (Ongoing)

This group is based in the program on Health and Science Communication, and meets once a month to discuss a recent article in health and science communication. Article choices and discussions are student-led, rotating among members.
Contact Dr. Coleman at for more details.



New Publications!

Feb. 2023 - Dr. Coleman published Networks in Motion: The Alliances of Information Communication Technologies and Mobility Technologies During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Mobile Media & Communication.

Nov. 2022 - Dr. Coleman published Attempting to Stop the Spread: Epistemic Responsibility and Platformed Responses to the COVID-19 ‘Infodemic’ in the book Social Media Ethics and COVID-19: Well-Being, Truth, Misinformation, and Authenticity​.

Feb. 2022 - Dr. Shi coauthored Visual Attention to Health Warning Labels on Waterpipe Venue Menus in Immersive Virtual Reality in Nicotine & Tobacco Research.