Sports CaM Homepage

  • Dr. Emil Steiner leads our growing faculty who are committed to the success of our students.
  • Students train in the field, covering professional and amateur sports teams across the nation's 4th largest media market.
  • Professional-in-Residence Ruben Amaro, Jr. shares his front office and broadcast experience with students.
  • Students choose from 5 concentrations: Sports Production, Sports Journalism, Sports PR & Ad, Sports Comm., and Esports
  • Sports CaM students get hands-on training through our partnerships with pro teams.
  • With over 400 students, we are one of the largest sports communication and media programs in the country.
  • From our classroom to the Super Bowl, Sports CaM students put their skills to work!
  • By graduation our Sports CaM majors are career ready.

Sports CaM Homepage

Sports Communication and Media

From Passion to Career
Rowan University's B.A. in Sports Communication and Media (Sports CaM) is one of the largest degree programs of its kind in the United States. The major is built for students who are passionate about sports and want to turn their passion into careers in the field. Our growing faculty of sports media professionals and scholars crosstrain students in the coverage, promotion, broadcasting, production, marketing, language, and culture of contemporary sport. As an interdicipliarny program, students can easily Double Major in any related field to earn two degress for the price of one. 

All majors complete Sports CaM's core courses while choosing a concentration in either communication studies, esports, journalism, public relations and advertising, or radio/TV/film production (Major Requirements). The degree culminates with internships across sports that emphasize real world training and professional networking as a bridge to your career. Find out more about our Sports CaM alumni here. 

Sports CaM's practical curriculum provides graduates with the necessary skills to get hired as media and communication professionals as well as the schoarly preparation for graduate school in areas such as advertising, communication, journalism, business, law, media studies, and public relations. Our academic programing and career development are supported by the Center for Sports Communication & Social Impact at Rowan University.  Together we create a one-of-a-kind learning experience that helps students turn their lifelong passion for sports into their life’s work.

Sports CaM Student Experience

What makes Sports CaM unique and memorable? Current students and recent graduates reflect on what they have learned from experiences on and off campus.


As one of the largest sports communication and media bachelor's programs in the country, we offer a wide array of coursework and training. We also offer a Sports CaM minor and a certificate.

Student Opportunities

We provide the structure, training, and networks to turn our students' passion for sports into careers. Find out more about the wealth of opportunities availble on and off campus.

Sports Communication & Social Impact Center

The Center strives to advance Sports CaM students' careers through internships, networking events, and our professional partnerships across the sports field.

Double Majoring

Two degrees for the price of one? Sports CaM students can easily double major in any major within the college.

Esports Program

Are you a gamer? Earn your BA in Esports with us! We also offer an esports minor and certificate in Esports Industry & Entertainment Experience.