Art Education

  • art education

Art Education

Dual Major Art Education

BA in Art/BFA in Studio Art &
BA in Education with NJ Teaching Certificate Art Teacher, K-12

Carolina Blatt
Program Coordinator
Westby Hall 


Advising for BA in Education:
Michalina Zelazny (Art and Education)
Senior Academic Advisor
James Hall
Advising for BA in Art/BFA in Studio Art:
Rachel Budmen (Art only)
Senior Academic Advisor
Wilson Hall



BA in Art/BFA in Studio Art &
BA in Education with NJ Teaching Certificate Art Teacher, K-12

  • BA in Art, BA in Education program requirements
  • 2021 Suggested Course Sequence

Rowan University’s Art Education-Visual Art program provides students with the requisite knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to be an art teacher in the public schools. Students enrolled in this program take a variety of courses in art education, education, studio art and art history that upon completion leads to K-12 NJ teaching licensure for the Visual Arts.

Students enrolled in the BA in Art degree program, may switch to the BFA in Studio Art by the second semester of their sophomore year for more in-depth studio studies. Or, as education majors, they may choose to add courses to earn Endorsements in Reading or, Teacher of Students with Disabilities, granted by the state of New Jersey.

Advisors in the Departments of Art and Education play an important role in guiding Art Education students through the benchmarks for this program.

The Art Education program maximizes the time our future teachers spend in the field working directly with youngsters and experienced cooperating teachers in real-life art classroom settings. Field placements begin in the student’s sophomore year part-time and continues through their senior year where they are placed full-time in area schools during their final professional year. This practical experience is further supported by coursework on campus which helps students connect with the historical, theoretical, and contemporary pedagogical frameworks of visual art education (see suggested course sequence)

Art Education students are given every opportunity to build confidence and gain experience working with children of all ages. Students become the “art teachers” in the Saturday Morning Art (smART) program. Here, they learn to manage an art classroom on campus, design their own art lessons, and instruct children from the surrounding communities. SmART also extends off-campus to local high schools where students gain teaching experience in the secondary grades. SmART is coordinated and supervised by university Art Education faculty.

Art Education students at Rowan are given a unique opportunity to join the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Student Chapter, a student club chartered by Rowan’s Student Government Assoc. (SGA) since the year 2000. Under the guidance of a faculty advisor, student officers and members organize a variety of on- and off-campus activities that include club fundraisers and community/regional service projects. The chapter introduces students to their future state and national professional Visual Art teachers’ association conventions where they join with other state chapters and participate in professional development workshops and presentations. The chapter organizes trips to annual conventions held in New York, Chicago, Boston, San Diego, Miami, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Washington DC.


NAEA Student Chapter, Homecoming 2021 winning banner trophy

NAEA Student Chapter field trip to Grounds for Sculpture


Identity Project 2018, SmART at Clearview Regional HS

Identity Project 2018, SmART at Clearview Regional HS

SmART Elementary, Rowan campus

Food for Thought 2017


Empty Bowels 2016

Empty Bowels 2016