IECB in Edelman CCCA

IECB in Edelman CCCA

Inclusive Excellence, Community and Belonging in Edelman CCCA

Here you will find the efforts, accomplishments and resources created for and by the faculty and students of the Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts that support Rowan University's goal to be an inclusive and equitable university for everyone.

Faculty Resources & Efforts

Edelman CCCA faculty members focus on applied research, solving real-world problems that affect everyone.

Students Resources & Efforts

Our students are also engaged in inclusive and equitable creative and scholarly activities.

Edelman CCCA IECB Committee

Edelman CCCA Inclusive Excellence, Community and Belonging Committee Initiatives


Centers within the Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts provide our students and community with resources beyond the classsroom such as events, experiential learning and internships, art, tutoring and much more.

University IECB Resources

The Division of Inclusive Excellence, Community and Belonging is charged with facilitating systemic change that addresses the following strategic priorities: creating an inclusive and equitable campus, recruiting and retaining diverse students, faculty, and staff, and promoting and supporting inclusive scholarship, teaching, and professional development.

To Whom It May Concern

Genevieve Gaignard

To Whom It May Concern features Gaignard’s self-portraiture, collages and installation, Black White and Red All Over, that confronts

Tracing Origins

Colette Fu | Claes Gabriel | Hiro Sakaguchi

This group exhibition brings together three Philadelphia-based artists who create work inspired by their

7 Mile Girls

Jamea Richmond-Edwards

Rowan University Art Gallery presents 7 Mile Girls, an exhibition exploring the connection between black female style of Detroit’s inner