Institute for Innovative Media, Materials and Design

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Institute for Innovative Media, Materials and Design

Institute for Innovative Media, Materials and Design

Institute for Innovative Media, Materials and Design is CCCA’s platform for interdisciplinary research. IMMaD facilitates connections for research, collaboration and cross-disciplinary engagements related to media, materials and design in all their ramifications. At IMMaD, we aim at sharing knowledge, emphasizing experiential learning, innovation and creativity, mentorship and leadership, and entrepreneurial frameworks.

I'M MaD, RU?    

Space = Incubator

IMMaD as a social incubator is more than a bound space. It encourages you to define the shape of it based on your goals.



Connect & Collaborate

In order to connect and/or collaborate, scroll down to the next available profile page on this worksheet and complete the information requested.


Things we are MaD about

Our students and faculty run initiatives such as Civic Engagement Lab for community projects, XReality Lab for AR/Projection Mapping experiments, and Sensory Lab to incorporate smell, or touch in creative ways and Kinetics Lab.