Student Work

Student Work


New Media Practicum Projects


The Town Tourist

Christine Ortega (Excellence in New Media Award Winner – 2024)

Synopsis: Hey, fellow nomads, buckle up for the ride of a lifetime! Step into The Town Tourist, where we ditch the tired tourist traps and dive headfirst into the beating heart of local communities. No generic landmarks in sight—just the rebel artist who transforms trash into a lyrical masterpiece and the hidden gems right in our own neighborhoods. I capture it on film, freeze those moments in snapshots, jot down tales, and yeah, I might even belt out a melody or two. So, grab your inquisitiveness, and let’s embark on this journey. Enchantment lies just around the corner.

Project Link: The Town Tourist – YouTube

Overview video:

Final Report: TheTownTourist-FinalReport

Bio: As a creative and out-of-the-box thinker, I excel at exploring inventive approaches to communication. My passion is deeply rooted in video production, scriptwriting, and editing. Whether it involves crafting compelling narratives or experimenting with visual expression, I am committed to making a significant impact through media. 

Food Review 2 Electric Boogaloo

Chris Carlstrom

Synopsis: This is a short series on my YouTube channel, Chrib, where I review all sorts of food around my college town, Glassboro, New Jersey. I try foods that students can get with meal plans, to actual restaurants around our town. I grade the food based on a few different factors including looks, taste, price, and more! Join me as I do my best to explain why it sucks!

Project Link: 

Overview Video: 

Final Report: Carlstrom – Final Report Practicum

Bio: Chris Carlstrom is an undergraduate student majoring in Communication Studies and a minor in New Media. He has been making videos since his Freshman year of high school and is very excited to do more in the future. Chris Carlstrom is also the chosen presenter for Rowan University’s College of Communication and Creative Art Senior Showcase for his UX research and design project about TikTok Shop.


Morgan McNally

Synopsis: Echoes is a short film that explores the themes of nostalgia and growing up. It follows the journey of a graduating student, reminding people not to get caught up living in the past and to instead embrace the future.

Project Link:

Overview video:

Final Report: Echoes_Final_Report

Bio: Morgan McNally is a senior undergraduate at Rowan University’s College of Communication and Creative Arts, passionately pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies. She has a double concentration in rhetorical/cultural communication and organizational/interpersonal communication, as well as minors in Women and Gender Studies, New Media, and Writing and Editing for the Public. She is a recipient of the 2024 Communication Studies Medallion and is a member of the Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Society. She also served as Vice President of the Communication Studies Club, embodying her dedication to leadership and fostering communication excellence. Morgan loves gaming, writing, and graphic design.

Trinketman Productions: Stella Cadente

Brad West

Synopsis: Trinketman Productions: Stella Cadente is centered around the creation of a minute-and-a-half animated short called Stella Cadente. The goal is to market the short on Youtube before it comes out by showing the creative process and the workflow it took to creat the finished product. This project also aims to gain the attention of other 3d animators to give feedback and tips on how to grow and create a better product in the future. 

Project Link:

Overview video: Stella Overview

Final Report: West – Final Report

Bio: Brad West is a junior RTF major with a New Media Minor. Brad has been fascinated by animation for years and loves combining film with animation. He has made several short films, including “The Calculator” but has fallen short of making an animated short, in his new short film “Stella Cadente” he combines the animated short into the world of a fifteen-minute film. Brad hopes to send both “Stella Cadente” and “The Calculator” to film festivals. Brad draws most of his inspiration from Pixar and uses mainly visual storytelling with very little dialogue.

Truths in Gaming

Jared Mattio

Synopsis: Truths in Gaming is an online blog that can be found on Reddit. It focuses on the subject of video gaming. There are blog posts bi-weekly that include either a video essay, interview, or something else that I come up with that accompanies the blog post itself. The write up always segways into something along the lines of a video essay, interview, or something else I come up with. The topics for each blog post will always be a pressing topic. 

Project Link: Truths In Gaming

Overview video: Truths In Gaming Promo Video

Final Report: Mattio-FinalReport

Bio: Jared Mattio is a hardworking student who will be graduating from Rowan University in Spring 2025 with a BA in Radio/Television/Film, with a concentration in Production, as well as minors in New Media and Journalism. Jared loves gaming and combining that passion with production skills.

Welcome to Snoozeville

Henry Damon & Erin O’Leary

Synopsis: Welcome To Snoozeville is an indie horror experience intended to combine an interactive open world experience with the strange, dark and somewhat funny world and narrative of Snoozeville. 

Project Link:

Overview video:

Final Report: WelcomeToSnoozeville-report


Henry is a Junior at Rowan University studying radio, television and film and pursuing a minor in new media and a certificate in creative writing. They have worked on several student/amateur films and hope to produce their own soon. They work part time with Rowan IRT as a Classroom Support technician and have a passion for technology.

Where is the Love in 2024?

Tiana Ham

Synopsis: “Where is the Love in 2024?” is an engaging lyric video that remakes “Where is the love” released by Black Eyed Peas back in 2003. 11 years after the song was released, there are wars, violence, and war crimes against children in our world. The most significant message is to love one another and fight against violence.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Final Report: Ham-Final Report

Bio: Tiana Ham is a multimedia producer who is working toward a BA in Radio/Television/Film with minors in New Media and Journalism. For the past years, Tiana has worked on various projects such as short films, PSA, essays, and creative visuals. As she graduates in Spring 2024, her goal is to pursue a career in postproduction and produce creative multimedia content.

Year In Review

Robert Scanlon

Synopsis: Hi! I’m Robert & I love to talk about films (movies too).  Join me as I try to review every Academy Award nominated film (or at least as many as possible), year by year.  Every Year, In Review!

Project Link:

Overview video:

Final Report: Scanlon_ProjectReport_YearInReview

Bio: Robert Scanlon is a 2024 undergrad with a major in Writing Arts with a concentration in Professional & Technical Writing, and two minors: FIlm & Television Studies, and New Media.  He has worked as a Intern for the Rowan Writing Arts Department, creating social media posts, blogs, podcasts, posters, etc.  He hopes to find a way to combine his love for art and all the skills he’s acquired into a fulfilling career.

Arden’s Adventures

Arden Scher

Synopsis: Arden’s Adventures is an online magazine showing what life is like through Arden’s life. The ups and downs and ins and outs that she wants to let you know that no one is alone and people go through the same stuff.

Project Link: Arden’s Adventures

Overview video:

Final Report: Scher-FinalReport

Bio: Arden Scher is a senior at Rowan University. She is a communications major and has a minor in new media. She will be graduating in May of 2024 and is looking for a job once she graduates. She has held three internships with Bumble dating app, Bubble skincare line, and a PR firm.


History of Anything

Sam DeCuicies (Excellence in New Media Award Winner – 2023)

Synopsis: History of Anything is a YouTube channel where each video takes a different topic and explores the history of it. Each video when uploaded includes a link of sources used in the description to give viewers an opportunity to read further on the topic if they so desire.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: DeCuicies_FinalReport-1

Bio: Sam is a Radio/TV/Film major with minors in New Media and Creative Writing. He loves to create all sorts of things and tell stories through different mediums.

Rowan is Fit

Miranda Bourke

Synopsis: Rowan Is Fit is an Instagram page for Rowan students who are interested in fitness and would like to feel like they are part of a community and can share their own experiences involving fitness at

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Bourke_FinalReport

Bio: Miranda Bourke is a hardworking and creative student who is excited to be receiving her BA in Radio/ Television/ Film major with a minor in New Media. She has always loved the behind the scenes aspect of productions ranging anywhere from her favorite reality television programs to YouTube videos. Miranda has recently completed an internship with PhillyCAM in Philadelphia, where she worked with a team of interns to produce a monthly show called “From Every Angle” that focused on a specific theme using interviews, performance, visual poetry and more. She is a dedicated member of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association’s official honor society, where she completes service projects while stimulating interest in the communication discipline. In the future, Miranda hopes to use her videography, editing and other overall production skills to work alongside others and make uplifting and exciting content for anyone to enjoy.

Sh*ts and Giggles with Joey Keenan

Joey Keenan

Synopsis: Sh*ts and Giggles with Joey Keenan is a weekly comedy podcast on YouTube and all audio platforms where I make fun of current events and talk about my own life. For my practicum project, I wanted to expand my potential audience reach by posting well-edited clips to Instagram. As well as TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Keenan_FinalReport


Joey Keenan will be graduating from Rowan University in Spring 2023 with a BA in Communication Studies with a concentration in Rhetorical/Cultural Criticism, as well as a minor in New Media. Joey has always loved creating videos. His favorite part is the process of creating the video and then getting the satisfaction of a finished product. This is what prompted him to start making a weekly comedy podcast.

Joey’s goal is to figure out a life where he can wake up every single day and not care what day of the week it is because he loves what he does and the problems he gets to solve.

Car Den

Alex Pitts

Synopsis: Car Den is a video series about Dennis who owns a 1932 Buick. We learn from him all about his car and different car features from the 1930’s.

Project Link:,

Overview Video:

Project Report: Car Den Project Report

Bio: Alex is a Senior Radio/TV/Film and Sports Communication and Media double major with a minor in New Media.

Perfect Image Project

Emily Sayles

Synopsis: The Perfect Image Project is a project that discusses the topic of body dysmorphia and how society unfairly pushes this idea of what a “perfect body” looks like. The project critiques different aspects of  society in relation to body image through its podcast on Spotify. The project also has its own Instagram that describes through photography what it feels like to have body dysmorphia. The Perfect Image Project Instagram also encourages others to share their photography stories to the Perfect Image Project to hopefully get featured on our Instagram and website.

Project Link: Linktree (links spotify, instagram, and website)

Overview Video:

Project Report:

Bio: Emily Sayles is a senior Radio, Television, and Film Major with a dual-minor in Strategic Communications and New Media. Emily is very passionate about her work in photography/videography, and currently works as a photographer/videographer for the Student Center at Rowan. She is currently the lead photographer/videographer for her department and has covered over 70+ events on campus. Emily has also been awarded for her role in the film “I am Sorry For Your Loss”, which won best experimental film during the RTF Media Fest of 2023. To learn more about Emily and her projects, feel free to visit her portfolio website at

Heartbreak on Wheels

Jillian Snyder

Synopsis: A story centering around love and heartbreak. Based around my interpretation of the song “Brand New Key” by Melanie Safka, the song will be played during the video. The story follows a girl who thinks if she shares an interest in roller skating then a guy she likes who also likes roller skating will like her, thus she buys a pair of roller skates. The story follows her trying to get his attention, but instead of building a relationship with him he starts to avoid her. Eventually, as her pursuit of him continues we see him with another girl and the main character gets pushed into a jealous murderous rage.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report:

Bio: Jillian Snyder is a senior at Rowan University majoring in Communication Studies and Advertising with a minor in New Media.

Life’s Compelling Questions

Matthew Stroka

Synopsis: Life’s Compelling Questions is a video essay series based on YouTube which is dedicated to providing viewers with brief, educational, and comedic videos. The channel covers everything from science and history to sociology and sports, and aims to provide viewers with a fun, thought-provoking viewing experience. 

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: LCQ Final Report-1

Bio: Matthew is currently a junior at Rowan University he is currently working towards two majors and a minor: a BA in Radio, TV, and Film, and a BA in Computing and Informatics, and a minor in New Media. Matthew currently runs the new YouTube channel: Life’s Compelling Questions, and is striving to make it a hobby of his to upload consistently not for the sake of others, but to express his interest in the world and hone his film editing skills. He also runs the Rowan Men’s Lacrosse Instagram account and plays for the team.

The Trade Station

Michael Tapp

Synopsis: If you’re looking to improve your trading skills and gain a better understanding of technical analysis, be sure to follow The Trade Station on TikTok and YouTube. With their engaging and informative content, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful trader!

Project Links:,

Overview Video:

Project Report:

Bio: Michael Tapp is an RTF student at Rowan University. He has been involved in the financial markets for over 3 years. The goal is to combine both skill sets into one and produce educational content that is both easy to view and quick and to the point.

The Valcourtian Magazine

Chelsea Valcourt

Synopsis: I’ve had an incredible four years here at Rowan. From the things I’ve learned to the people I’ve met, it’s been an absolutely life changing experience. That’s why I decided to create a magazine; to capture the memories I’ve made here. The magazine consists of stories, reflections and photos that I’ve taken throughout my college career. I put them into layouts using Adobe InDesign and took classroom feedback as a way to make them look the best that they could. It’s the perfect way to showcase my publication skills I’ve learned from the Whit while creating a piece of work I’m going to want to keep around for years to come.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: The Valcourtian

Bio: I’m a senior Journalism and Radio, Television, Film double major with a minor in New Media. Over the past two years, I’ve written for News, Features and Arts & Entertainment. This is my first year as section editor. Outside of the Whit I enjoy seeing local theater shows, checking out new Netflix shows and learning about social media. When I graduate, I hope to enter the journalism field through arts and culture reporting, or social media.

Morals of Media

Michael Valentino

Synopsis: Morals of media is a media analysis channel on youtube.  The exact type of media I talk about varies from comics, to video games, to movies, to TV shows. On the channel I cover complex topics like is heaven worth it, how to use death in stories as a tool, and why we push our own morals further and further. Each video is scripted and recorded, usually over the course of several weeks.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Morals of Media Final Project

Bio: Hello, I’m Michael and I’m a RTF major at Rowan university. I have always liked looking deeper into media and the messages behind what we consume.



Anatomy of a Forest Fire - Sawyer Sinnett

Synopsis: Anatomy of a Forest Fire is an experimental autoethnography reflecting on my transition from adolescence into adulthood using poetry, prose, illustration and photography.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Sawyer-finalreport

Timeless - Tara Grier


Timeless is a multi-part, multi-platform, multi-media story. A mixture of mystery and science fiction, this story follows two timelines. We begin in 2022 with Imogen Ellis, a college student running a mystery podcast with her best friend, Gabe. Together, they are researching the disappearance of singer Valerie Vaughn, Hollywood’s favorite diva in the 50s. Imogen comes home one day to find her father has been injured at work, and drops everything to find answers. In 1951, Lucille is busy as a journalist. She’s just been assigned to write a feature about Valerie Vaughn in hopes to repair her image after her reputation is torn to shreds. What Valerie doesn’t know is that this interview is the last she ever does.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Timeless Final Report

Diary of a Techno-Dystopia - Elisabeth Hudak

Synopsis: “Diary of a Techno-Dystopia” is a video diary series that acts as confessional of my personal qualms with new media technologies, combined with social commentary, research pulled from experts, and influence from some of my favorite dystopian novels. After writing my entries, I recorded them like a podcast, and compiled my videos with relevant imagery to bring the theme of each diary entry together. “Diary of a Techno-Dystopia” lives on its own website as an independent four-part video-diary series. The stories I share may not be unique to me; it’s possible we’ve reached a point of no return with media and technology, as its rapid growth is met with equal consumption, and little by little we’re slaves to the screen. If you’ve even once considered this, consider too clicking on and opening up “Diary of a Techno-Dystopia.”

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: HudakDTDFinalReport

Friendly Society - Niko Ioannou | Kat Reich

Synopsis: Friendly Society is a YouTube channel aiming to inspire the collective to question the world and rules of the society that surrounds them. Each video covers a different topic for the community to question and analyze. The society’s founders and official members remain anonymous in the public eye, as the individuals who participate in the content are considered equal to one another.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Friendly Society Final Report

Escape to Flavor - Bri Martinez | Alex Moresco

Synopsis: Escape to Flavor, a savory escape on the Instagram platform. We want to allow our audience to be able to find all things good on our account. We hope to become the go-to account for reviews, recipes, food trends, and food facts. Food accounts are something that has been on the rise on various platforms. Lately, there has been an influx of food accounts but they all serve different purposes. We want to be the place all foodies can come and get all the information they search various accounts for. Our audience would no longer have to follow 5 different accounts to see all the food content they want, they would only need to follow ours and that’s something that will make their lives so much easier.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: EscapeToFlavor

More Than Just Games - Kyle Mejlander

Synopsis: More Than Just Games is a YouTube Channel that creates Video essays talking about different video games and discussing why they are important to me. Video games have a way of expressing emotions and ideas that not many people give them credit for, this YouTube channel was created for the purpose of sharing those emotions and ideas through my personal experiences with different video games.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: MoreThanJustGamesFinalReport

Conor’s Social Media Management - Conor Mulvanerton

Synopsis: Conor’s Social Media Management is a project where I redesigned companys’ Instagram pages with the use of my own photography and digitally created images. Instagram is a photo-based platform that relies heavily on aesthetics, and some companies have less visually appealing pages. My Instagram redesigns are meant to show how I would redesign the company’s Instagram if I was working for them. My Instagram redesigns can be found presented on my website.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Conor’s Social Media


ReCapitol - Jack Brennan

Synopsis: ReCapitol aims to shed light on the harrowing events that occurred in our nation’s capital on January 6th. Picking up right after the conclusion of the 2020 presidential election, this program will explain exactly what happened in the weeks leading up to and the day of January 6th through narration, interviews, and audio clips. Presenting the story of just how the US capitol building came under siege, ReCapitol is a radio program intended for anyone who is curious as to how the MAGA mob sacked one of the most secure buildings in our country and why they did it.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: ReCapitolFinalReport

RE Films Website - Ronald Estevez

Synopsis: The RE Films website is a project to demonstrate the capabilities of the production company and showcase all previous work done to visitors. In addition to just showcasing previous media work done, it will be a website in which potential clients of the company can contact one of the team members with any inquiries or submit a booking request for their future projects.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: RE Films project report

Cam’s Lunchbox - Camryn Hadley

Synopsis: Camryn Hadley is 22 years old and has gone through life without eating fruits, vegetables and most other foods ever. In this Youtube series, Camryn grows up and finally tries all the foods her friends and family wish she had tried earlier. Camryn chooses two foods on her own and tries them, with a slight chance of actually liking them. She then invites a friend to bring her food that they have been dying to try. They serve Camryn the food in her professional dino lunchbox, without her knowing what it is. Camryn then has to brave the food and finally give it a try. Throughout the series we also get more insight into Camryn and her eating habits and reasons for being picky.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: A YouTube Series By Camryn Hadley 2

Social Media Marketing with Storm - Storm Lincoln

Synopsis: Social Media Marketing with Storm is a personal blog that reveals tips and tricks that can help you grow your Instagram account to success, as well as the importance of social media influencing for businesses. Topics including: planning photos out, editing photos, hashtags, influencing, and Instagram story, SugarBearHair, etc. 

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: StormFinalReport

Megaguac - Chris Miller


MegaGuac is the multimedia project created by Chris Miller where he distributes electronic music and “The MegaGuac Masterclass”, an informational video series where various artists are interviewed about their particular craft and how viewers can benefit from their knowledge. This video series and much more can be found on, a general hub for all of MegaGuac’s various projects and media content.

Now you’re ready to enter the MegaGuac universe!

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Megaguac-report-compress 

The Gimmick - Ryan O’Donnell

Synopsis: The Gimmick is hosted by former independent professional wrestler Ryan Radix and it is an all-inclusive, YouTube video web series about pro wrestling.The show features a variety of segments including interviews, debates, and discussions with other independent wrestlers in the Northeastern area.The Gimmick also provides an entertaining, in-depth examination of the latest in major wrestling promotions while also highlighting smaller, independent companies. A significant focal point of the show is breaking down and analyzing pro wrestling matches while also supplying useful and practical knowledge from a former in-ring performer that has been wrestling since he was 16 years old.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Gimmick_Report

Anthony’s Days in the Life: TikTok Edition  - Anthony Raisley

Synopsis: Anthony’s Days in the Life are weekly TikToks created to share Anthony’s last semester of an undergraduate at Rowan University. Over the past few months Anthony would document different trips, and experiences to highlight different things people can do safely during the COVID-19 Pandemic as a college senior. TikTok was used since it can deliver content to an audience at a very large scale, and allows content creators to grow their accounts to their audiences.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Final Report_ Anthony Raisley TikToks Revised

The Geek Stop - Julia Riffle

Synopsis: Get your geek on: collections, interviews, virtual conventions, Philadelphia area collecting and comic book shops! All of these facets will be showcased within The Geek Stop’s WordPress blog, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter pages to highlight the unique culture and individual meaning behind the geeky hobbies of collecting, cosplaying, and much more!

Project Link:

The Geek Stop (@the_geek_stop) – Instagram

The Geek Stop (@TheGeeksStop) – Twitter

The Geek Stop – Blog (

The Geek Stop – YouTube

Overview Video:

Project Report: Riffle_FinalReport-1

Ciao Curls - Madison Savage

Synopsis: One of the most fascinating features on a woman is her hair. Beauty standards today require us to manipulate and alter our hair from its natural state, which can lead to permanent damage.The mission of CiaoCurls is to influence and assist women who want to transform their hair back to its natural structure. The blog’s main purpose is to ensure readers gain knowledge on how to properly take back control of their locs and curls. In my writing, I provide my own personal experiences, backed up by other notions from professionals, to guarantee my audience is receiving truthful guidance and instructions.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: Savage_FinalReport 

Alyssa’s Tea - Alyssa Torres


Take a Taste of Alyssa’s Tea! Warning: This tea is pipping and may burn your tongue. Take a seat, relax and sip away as you drift into the tea provided by yours truly and a special guest.

Alyssa’s Tea allows you to dive into a person’s life, passion and drive and gives you a first-hand glimpse at what their day is like. Watch small business owners and people with stories (and possibly you) tell the world all the tea you can offer. You can watch a video interview or simply listen to myself with creators from all around about what drives them and more.

Project Link:

Overview Video:

Project Report: AlyssasTea-Report


Rich Baker Music - Maddy Addario

As a long-time resident of Wildwood, New Jersey, I have always been surrounded by the sound of live music.  From working in the restaurant business to enjoying nights out with my friends and family, there is never a time when I am not hearing someone singing.  Because I have always had such a love for music, I thought this project would be a great opportunity to combine both my passion of editing videos/photography with the musical talent of Richie Baker, a solo acoustic performer who plays in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area.  For the entirety of this semester, I have been traveling to many of Richie’s gigs where I both film and photograph his live performances.  From there, I have done my best in promoting his talent on different social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and his own website.

Overview Video

Project Link

One More Take - Zack Goldberg 

One More Take is a video essay YouTube channel. The videos cover topics in pop culture and media, including television, movies, etc. The videos are research based, and implement appropriated footage alongside commentary. The channel started with a series exploring characters and their journey throughout a show. There is also a Twitter and Instagram page of the same name that are used to promote the main channel.

Overview Video

Project Link

Country Sweets Bakery - Jeffrey Redwanowski

During the duration of this project, I will be working on building an online media presence for a local bakery in Woodbury, NJ. By creating and updating different social media channels, the bakery hopes to connect with their consumers online. Through the usage of posts and graphics, different aspects of the bakery will be highlighted in order to drive consumer engagement in hopes of an increase in actual orders.

Overview Video

Project Link

DRMS2N - AJ Amoroso

DRMSZN is the name I use to produce music. As my capstone project, DRMSZN will be a place to document all of my creative work, whether it be music, graphic design, or writing. Creativity is an outlet for me, and it gives me a productive way to cope when my mental health is suffering. Additionally, I seek to inspire others through my work and promote mental health.

Overview Video

Project Link

Final Report

Questionable Games - Jared Czukoski

Questionable is the platform I use for streaming and posting gaming related content. I will be using this to host my Fotoshop Friday Project where I will start a new photoshop project for the day and at the end of each week I will present the finish project on my various accounts. Each work will be a character from a popular video game relevant to current events. Along with this I will keep a social media presence by posting about upcoming streams, gaming news, or any other art I make

Overview Video

Project Link

Docu-Blog - Kim Granger

This blog will be about different documentaries and docu-series that are popular on streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu. Documentaries and docu-series have become widely popular, with many done about famous people we all know and love, like Beyonce and Taylor Swift. Others, however, have given us a glimpse into a story that peaked our interest but makes us look away all at the same time. Ted Bundy, O.J Simpson and Gypsy Blanchard’s stories all are disturbing but we can’t help but watch.

Overview Video

Project Link

Quarantine Chaos - Gianna Mehes

Overview Video

Project Link

Final Report

Photos By Ant - Anthony Ormsby

Photosby_ant is an Instagram account that will portray photographs containing different elements regarding colors, shapes, people, etc . It will show mostly portraits and will sometimes dive into other types as well. It will be true to the photographers aesthetic style and will achieve a social broadening through other media applications.

Overview Video

Project Link

Final Report Final Report_Ormsby_compress

Norcast Weather School - Gary Panter

The NorCast Weather School YouTube channel will teach how different weather phenomena work. NorEasterNick, the show’s weather weenie, will deliver a new lesson every Thursday. These lessons break down different weather related topics that are on a lot of viewer’s minds. Each lesson is designed to give an in depth description of how weather events occur, enough so that audiences in elementary school could understand. The content, however, is interesting enough to attract audiences of all ages that are interested in how the weather works.

Overview Video –

Project Link

Final Report

Representations in Reality TV - Eric Posey

These two videos will provide an in depth look at LGBT representation in two longrunning CBS reality shows. Video one looks specifically at Big Brother has a history of castingtowards stereotypes, and Survivor has a better rounded casting process. I will compare andcontrast different examples from these shows past, and show how these shows have grownalongside society. Part two looks at the issues present in society, and how representation in themedia affects LGBT people in the long run.

Overview Video

Project Link

Final Report

Naming the Homeless - Lauren Purnell

More than one quarter of Philadelphia residents, roughly 400,000 people, live below the povertyline. These are people that are one paycheck, one sick day, one more eviction notice away frombecoming homeless. As of January 2018, 1,083 people live on the streets, according to citydata. Each person has their own reason for finding themselves on the streets. The Naming theHomeless podcast explores what these reasons are and how they differ to offer the public abetter understanding of what it is to be homeless.

Overview Video

Project Link

Final Report

Max Lewin Photography - Izzy Wellman

Max Lewin Photography LLC is the personal company of Max Lewin, a college senior from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Over the course of the semester, we are creating a social media presence, specifically on Instagram, for Max, as well as developing a website that can be used as a portfolio for job interviews and business.

Overview Video

Project Link

Final Report

For Me Only - Chad Wittmann

For Me, And Only Me is a non-linear website that displays the photography, graphic design work, and writing of Chad Wittmann. This collection of artistic work is an outlet to display the struggles of growing up while dealing with the highs-and-lows of mental illness.

Overview Video

Project Link

Final Report


Reel-to-Real - Ryan Armstrong

Real-to-Reel is a video essay series that complements a textbook education with conversation,  a deeper dive for ones who already grasp beginning and intermediate concepts about the mass media industry.

Overview Video

Project Link

Animation Evolutions - Kurt Bresser

This blog is an evolution through TV cartoons from the beginning of TV to now. Explore in depth detail of each cartoon showcased and maybe even learn something new!

Overview Video

Project Link

Freetown Radio - Cody Cooper

Freetown Radio documents the many facets of Hip-Hop in the Tri-State area with the respect and enthusiasm it properly deserves. Through its multimedia platform with music, podcasting and creative content, Freetown Radio’s perspective speaks to and for the elements of Hip Hop that advances popular culture.

Project Link

Perspective By Ingenuity Entertainment - Mike Delayo

Perspective By Ingenuity houses analyses of contemporary television and film that transcend traditional criticism and provoke conversation among fellow fans.

Overview Video

Project Link

Yes The Kewl Kats - Nicole Gurka

Have a laugh. Crack a smile. See some cool things. Yesthekewlkats is a Tumblr blog designed to make people laugh while brightening their day. Come check this tornado of imagery for yourself.

Overview Video

Grooves in the Groove - Craig Leeming

Grooves in the Groove features Podcast interviews with local musicians, album reviews, and music news. My main goal is to gather a wide audience by focusing on local and independent artists of genres ranging from Punk to Jazz, but not dismissing major artists either.

Overview Video

Project Link

Kels FX - Kelsie Leonard

@Kels_FX is an Instagram page dedicated to the amateur creation of special effects makeup. You’ll find Creations from bumps and bruises, cuts and gashes to monsters and caricatures in the mix.

Overview Video

Project Link

Jess Mess Embroidery - Jessica Mounce

Jess Mess Embroidery comes to life on Instagram, Etsy and website, From patches to hoops to crocheted rugs, Jess Mess Embroidery’s online sites preview purchasable items, blog posts and snap shots of making embroideries.

Overview Video

Project Link

It’s Not Just A Cute Face - Sara Reiken

We all see posts on social media of adorable dogs and cats that we just wish we could take home but can’t because they are already owned by someone, or we simply don’t know where to find them. This Instagram page eliminates that problem and gives people cute faces to look at while promoting adoptable animals in New Jersey.

Overview Video

Project Link

Beauty and the Betch - Monica Xerri

Beauty and the Betch blog is here to help fellow betches, like myself, get the best tips,tricks and products for dirt cheap but still continue our rich betch reputation. Don’t worry I won’t tell (not anyone important at least).

Project Link


GTA V Moviemaking - Mark Chrysafis

A collection of short videos made using the game Grand Theft Auto V. This includes things such as a nature documentary and a spoof of the recent infamous Pepsi ad, among others.

Overview Video

Project Links

GTA Deer Documentary


Ecola Ad


Bride-ing on a Budget - Katti DeFelice

Bride-ing on a Budget is a lifestyle blog that chronicles Katarina DeFelice’s journey to the aisle through DIY tutorials, listicles and fitness advice.

Overview Video

Project Link


Skate Culture - Wes Genarie

Skate Culture is a Delaware Valley based skateboarding community.
The core focus of Skate Culture is to provide information on anything and everything involving skateboarding in our area. Anything from short clips of skaters in the area, full edits, other bonus videos, to news regarding skate parks, skate shops, and DIY's.

Skate culture was made to unify the local skate scene while getting everyone hyped on skaters from our area instead of skaters half way around the world.

Overview Video:

Rowan 911: Reloaded - Shannon Kagan

Description: Rowan911 Reloaded is a sequel to the TV show Rowan911 with a more focused objective in mind. It is a mini-web series, each episode tackling a new crime spike or issue on campus. Rowan911 Reloaded brings awareness to campus crime by parodying, COPS and RENO 911.

Overview Video:

Interactive Work - Created in New Media Production

Strange Times at Grassman Farm

The Maze of Impossible Things

Turtle's Unlimited

What Season Are You?

DIY Planet Builder


Stick Man Chronicles

Galactic Governor

Repair Operation

House Party - Interactive PDF

House Party

The Diner


Last Words

Hot Sauce Adventure


War Child

Memento Mori

AJ Amoroso, RTF

“The End of the World”

Synopsis: Evacuate town with your best friend after a nuclear power plant explosion.

Enya Moore, RTF

“Welcome to the Gallery”


Synopsis: “In Scrutiny you must choose whether to be the detective or the suspect. Can you find the clues and catch the murderer as the detective or can lie well enough to get out of prison as the suspect? The choice is yours.”

Jasmine Cabrera, RTF

“Escape Room”

“Final Kingdom”

Synopsis: “Step into the realm of fantasy as you test your skills in completing a series of quests. This video game like adventure will have you engaged as you look to find the answers. You can choose between two paths on your journey to becoming a knight. Do you have what it takes to mark your place in the kingdom?”

Sam Kramer, RTF

“Dippin Plots”

Synopsis: A typical summer day on the jersey shore leads to a chance encounter with a mysterious dippin’ dots stand. Before long you are thrust into the middle of a horrible conspiracy. Will you escape with your life or will you push on to find the truth even if it kills you?

Brandon Borges

“Bud E”

Nicole Capelli, RTF
“War Child”

Synopsis: You are a young child destined to become more. But the fates are cruel and the Gods take as they please. Can you defeat the Beast?

Alex Bodnar, RTF
“Momento Mori”

Synopsis: Momento Mori is a journey into finding your missing friend. You walk into his apartment and clues will help you guide your way. Certain clues unlock other ones, so be thorough with your investigating. Will you find Joe?


April Spotts, RTF

Synopsis: Wanderer is a survival horror, escape the woods game. You wake up in the middle of the night in a clearing with three paths to choose from. Each path will take you on a different journey into the twisting woods. But beware, in order to find your way out, you must also avoid falling into one of the forest’s many traps.


Sarah Lopez, RTF
“One More Drink”

Synopsis: One More Drink tells the story of a person who’s a recovering alcoholic, going out for a night with his friends. The choices the user makes for the character will determine how sober or drunk they get for the night. It loosely tells the story of a struggling alcoholic and the obstacles they face when they’re in certain environments surrounded by certain people. Different decisions will lead the user on different paths.


Orlando Caban, RTF
“Will You Survive?”

Bria Mears (2015 Excellence in New Media Award), Writing Arts

Briana Cognat, PR/AD
"The Package"

Eric Boldizar, RTF
"Zelda Simulation"
"Two Paths"

Logan Boyko, Journalism

Gina Scarmuffa, ART
"The Long and Winding Road"

Video Essays - Created in Introduction to New Media

Wes Genarie, RTF
"Skateboarding and New Media"

Lauren Rauffer, RTF
"Give a Voice"

Michael Huss, PR/AD
"Advertising in New Media"