Learning Communities

Learning Communities

Learning Communities

The Writing Arts Department provides a learning community environment for incoming freshmen majors. This goal is met in two ways:

• Through shared first-semester courses that may include among them a College Composition I specifically for Writing Arts majors.
• Through a one-credit Writing Arts Learning Community (WALC) course, which provides all freshmen in the major the opportunity to get to know one another right from the beginning of their Rowan careers. The goals of this course include:

  • Orienting students to the major
  • Connecting students with local writing networks and publication options
  • Establishing a cohort that can sustain community over students' career at Rowan

For further information on the Writing Arts Learning Community, contact Amy Woodworth, Department Chair, at woodworth@rowan.edu or Cate Romano, WALC instructor, at romanoc@rowan.edu